Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
What's the Res - Season 2, Episode 12: LD Paradigm - Rule of Law
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Why do we follow laws? What moral imperative do we have to obey laws, just or unjust? These questions and more are the subject of this episode, where Josh discusses the development of the principle of Rule of Law across western civilization, and then how it as applies to Lincoln-Douglas debate! This paradigm has a lot of applications, but it is usually deployed in the Novice LD resolution at the beginning of each competitive season - "Resolved: Civil disobedience in a democracy is morally justified." Check it out, and let us know what you think!
Email - WhatsTheRes@gmail.com
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Monday Aug 26, 2019
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Should the EU join the Belt and Road Initiative? That's the question Josh and Ethan analyze in this episode. They focus on major studies, articles, and resources for both Pro and Con. Pro's case will be largely economic, while Con should focus on the human rights and values clash between the EU and Chinese Communist government under Xi Jinping. This episode was a lot of fun to put together - check it out, and let us know if our suggestions on"Resolved: The European Union should join the Belt and Road Initiative" worked!
Email - WhatsTheRes@gmail.com
Twitter, Instagram, Reddit - @Whatstheres_
Facebook - Facebook.com/Whatstheres
Friday Aug 23, 2019
What's the Res - Season 2, Episode 10 - LD Paradigm: Personalism
Friday Aug 23, 2019
Friday Aug 23, 2019
Personalism is a 20th-21st century philosophy grounded in the axiomatic dignity of the human person. Articulated in the aftermath of the horrors of WWII, Personalism seeks to help form a society that seeks the good of each human person as a dialogical creature possessing inherent dignity. Josh has written on personalism for the Acton Institute; that article can be found here. This paradigm may be helpful for prepping the 2019 Sept/Oct LD resolution (Resolved: In the United States, colleges and universities ought not consider standardized tests in undergraduate admissions decisions). If it helps, let us know!
Email - WhatsTheRes@gmail.com
Twitter, Instagram, Reddit - @whatstheres_
Facebook - Facebook.com/Whatstheres
Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
The Sept/Oct 2019 resolution for varsity LD reads, "In the United States, colleges and universities ought not consider standardized tests in undergraduate admissions decisions." In this episode, Josh and Ethan join forces to interview Ms. Courtney van Kleeck, the college admissions counselor for Thales Academy Rolesville. Courtney has helped four classes of Thales graduates get into college, and she lends us her expertise on what colleges are looking for in the application, how the standardized test fits into the picture, and why she thinks the SAT/ACT reinforces harmful stereotypes with impressionable students. We hope this episode is helpful for your preparation! Let us know how it goes!
Email - WhatsTheRes@gmail.com
Twitter, Instagram, Reddit - @whatstheres_
Facebook - Facebook.com/Whatstheres
Monday Aug 19, 2019
Monday Aug 19, 2019
Josh and Ethan analyze the 2019 Varsity LD resolution; they offer definition thoughts, strategy suggestions, and contenders for value/value criterion combinations for both Aff and Neg cases. Should colleges have objective standards for admissions? Do the SAT/ACT really fulfill those roles? What about the racial issues surrounding the SAT/ACT? Where does the Adversity Score enter this debate? What exactly is the purpose of college? Find out in this episode! Let us know what you think!
Email - WhatTheRAes@gmail.com
Twitter, Instagram, Reddit - @Whatstheres_
Facebook - Faceboom.com/Whatstheres
Friday Aug 16, 2019
Friday Aug 16, 2019
Josh and Ethan discuss the resolution for the first Luddy Debate League tournament of the 2019-2020 season - Resolved: The state of North Carolina should offer targeted tax incentives to businesses that relocate major parts of their operations to North Carolina. Tax incentives, business plans, crony capitalism, resource suggestions, affirmative and negative strategy - we cover all the bases! If you're interested in learning more about the Luddy Debate League, check out the website at https://www.coolidgefoundation.org/debate/luddy-schools/ - we'd love to see you at the Sept. 7th tournament!
Email - WhatsTheRes@gmail.com
Twitter, Instagram, Reddit - @Whatstheres_
Facebook - Facebook.com/Whatstheres
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
What's the Res - Season 2, Episode 6 - Debate Techniques: Flowing, and Burdens
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Josh describes "flowing," the debater method of taking notes in a round. While there are lots of modifications and advanced ways to flow, the basics are simple and described in this episode. Josh then lists three key burdens: Burden of Definition, Burden of Clash, and Burden of Evidence, and he goes over how those burdens play out in a debate round. Enjoy! And let us know what you think!
Email - WhatsTheRes@gmail.com
Instagram, Twitter, Reddit - @whatstheres_
Facebook - Facebook.com/Whatstheres
Monday Aug 12, 2019
Monday Aug 12, 2019
Tyler Bonin (@tylermbonin) returns to What's the Res to help with the NSDA Public Forum Sept/Oct resolution - "The EU should join the Belt and Road Initiative." What exactly is the Belt and Road Initiative? Tyler has published on the topic (that article is here), and defines the goals and efforts of the Chinese government in understandable English. Josh and Tyler discuss the nature, history, potential advantages and harms of Chinese lending policy to create global infrastructure. Does this count as predatory lending? Listen in, and let us know what you think!
Instagram, Twitter, Reddit - @Whatstheres_
Facebook - Faceboom.com/Whatstheres
Friday Aug 09, 2019
Friday Aug 09, 2019
Bob Luddy is the founder and president of Captivaire, and the educational entrepreneur behind St. Thomas More Academy, Franklin Academy, and Thales Academy. He is also a great supporter of debate through the Luddy Debate League, the Calvin Coolidge Presidential Foundation, and specific debate programs at Thales Academy. Josh asks Bob about a variety of topics: leadership, his entrepreneurial journey, economics, and why he supports debate. Join us for this episode, and let know what you think!
Email - WhatsTheRes@gmail.com
Twitter, Instagram, Reddit - @Whatstheres_
Facebook - Facebook.com/Whatstheres
Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
What's the Res - Season 2, Episode 3: Types of Debate - PF/LD/Coolidge Formats
Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
In this episode, Ethan breaks down three debate formats, and discusses the nuances of each style. If you are having trouble choosing a format, this episode should help out! Enjoy!
Email: whatstheres@gmail.com
Instagram, Twitter, Reddit: @whatstheres_
Facebook: What's the Res?
Website: https://www.whatstheres.com/